Snapshot: Climate Exhibition Open House
Enjoy coffee and treats while viewing the “Snapshot: Climate” exhibit from Southern Cultures quarterly, on view at the Center for the Study of the American South.
The “Snapshot: Climate” issue features more than 60 photographs and accompanying short reflections from artists, activists, photojournalists, and scientists to provide a “snapshot” look at climate impacts across the South.
View 25 photographs from the issue at the Center for the Study of the American South through the fall. Exhibition photographers include:
Jenny Adler
Austin Anthony
Matthew Busch
Gordon Campbell
Vanessa Charlot
Justin Cook (with Marquetta Dickens and Turcois Vazquez)
Brandon Dill
Benjamin Dimmitt
J Henry Fair
Jerry Dickson Greer
Virginia Hanusik
Chuck Hemard
Nate Larson
Megan May
Roger May
Lisette Morales McCabe
Anna Gage Norton
Jocelyn Painter (with Beth Roach and Ryan Emanuel)
Derek Slagle
Robert Rausch (with Natalie Chanin)
Michael O. Snyder
Bryan Thomas
Jordan Vonderhaar
Brooke White
William Widmer
This is an in-person event.
Event photo by Jerry Dickson Greer. Beech gap, Southern Appalachian Mountains, 2020.