[Recording Available] Perseverance of Researchers: Navigating Your Work/Life Blend in the Research World

Outside vide of the Sheps Center building.
[Recording Available] Perseverance of Researchers: Navigating Your Work/Life Blend in the Research World

[Recording Available] Perseverance of Researchers: Navigating Your Work/Life Blend in the Research World


November 10, 2021    
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



Juggling a successful career and a growing/changing family can be difficult, especially for early career faculty. At this seminar, a group of panelists will discuss how they persevered by navigating the competing demands of their growing research careers and personal lives, and what barriers they may have encountered. We will also hear about a great resource available to UNC staff and faculty called Caregivers at Carolina. Join us Wednesday afternoon to learn more about resiliency in the UNC research community!