Lunch & Learn: Back to Basics

Graphic with Lunch & Learn logo in the middle.
Lunch & Learn: Back to Basics

Lunch & Learn: Back to Basics

Presented by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Lunch & Learn series offers a platform for Carolina researchers and research staff to discuss their contributions to advancing UNC-Chapel Hill’s research enterprise within North Carolina and beyond. Join us for lunch (virtually) while each session spotlights a specific area of focus and features a panel of Tar Heels.

CLE credit is available for all these events.

Click the session title above for more information


Core Facilities

Monday, October 21st

Presented by: Office of Sponsored Programs

Portrait of Ben Wright.

Moderator: Ben Wright

Director of Research Core Development, Office of Sponsored Programs

Portrait of Brandi Ehrmann.

Brandie Ehrmann

Director, Mass Spectrometry Core Laboratory; Chemistry

Portrait of Pablo Ariel.

Pablo Ariel

Director, Microscopy Services Laboratory; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Portrait of Meghan Kraft.

Meghan Kraft

Interim Director, Research Core Strategy; Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Career-Building @ Carolina

Tuesday, October 22nd

Presented by: Office of Research Development

Portrait of Nathan Blouin.

Moderator: Nathan Blouin

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Development, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Research Communications

Thursday, October 24th

Presented by: Office of Research Communications

Portrait of Alyssa LaFaro.

Moderator: Alyssa LaFaro

Research Communications Manager, Office of Research Communications

Portrait of Kristen Chavez.

Kristen Chavez

Director of Communications, Institute for the Arts & Humanities

Portrait of Cat Long.

Cat Long

Media Relations Manager, University Communications

Portrait of Megan Mendenhall.

Megan Mendenhall

Photographer/Videographer, Office of Research Communications

Data Management

Friday, October 25th

Presented by: Research Data Management Core

Portrait of Thu-Mai Lewis.

Moderator: Thu-Mai Lewis

Assistant Director of Research Data Stewardship, Research Data Management Core

Portrait of Stan Ahalt

Stan Ahalt

Dean of the UNC School of Data Science and Society

Portrait of Jonathan Crabtree

Jonathan Crabtree

Director of Research Data Management Core

Portrait of Ashok Krishnamurthy

Ashok Krishnamurthy

Director of RENCI

Portrait of Helen Tibbo

Helen Tibbo

Professor in the UNC School of Information & Library Science